Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What happens if I turn out to be a suitable candidate for participation in the study after filling in the questionnaire, and I express my interest in participation by filling in my contact details?

Once the study has started, which we expect to 2Q 2024 at the latest, you will be contacted by our colleague who will plan the next steps with you. The first step is to visit a designated health facility in your region. There you will have an initial interview, sign an informed consent to participate in the study and the next steps will be explained to you.

What examinations do I have to undergo if I am accepted as a participant in the study?

If you agree to participate in the study (by signing the informed consent), a blood sample will be taken from you (standard collection) and you will be invited for a follow-up examination using EUS (Endoscopic Ultrasound Sonography), MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) or CT (computer tomography). These examinations will be repeated for the duration of your participation in the study (1 year ± 3 months).

What happens if I am diagnosed with cancer during the study?

If you are diagnosed with cancer at your first visit, you will be given the option to join a cancer patient group. If cancer is identified during the study, your participation will be discontinued, and you will be referred to the appropriate Regional Cancer Centre (RCC) in your region for the necessary treatment.

Can I order a lipidomics test from you outside of the study?

At present, as the method is not clinically validated and not certified for the clinical use, it is not possible to provide it to members of the public. The exception to this is those who will have been accepted into the study based on the inclusion criteria. You can receive basic information about whether you can be recruited into the study by completing the questionnaire at The final decision on whether you will be accepted into the study will be made by the healthcare facility to which you are invited for your initial interview.

Where can I find out about the start of the study and new developments in the lipidomics test?

We will keep you updated on our website

Information about the study can be found in the “Study Participation” section, and information about the method in the “LIPIDICA test” section.

If you have completed the questionnaire and have been assessed as a suitable candidate for participation in the study and have filled in your contact details, we will actively contact you when the study starts. We anticipate this will be 2Q 2024.